As the need for workers in skilled trades continues to grow, we're doing our part to prepare our students to meet that demand and set them up for a successful career. #wccfollowyourpassion #wearethekey
almost 6 years ago, Engineering and Technology Education
Students in electronics learn to wire and install door bells.
Girls in Auto Service replace wheel bearings
Students in Auto Service removing a steering knuckle
8 of Mr. Law's Computer Science students were chosen to interview for participation in Nextech Summer Internship. They were selected from numerous online applicants. They will interview tomorrow, here at Walker Career Center. #WeArethekey #WCCFollowYourPassion
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Business Dept.
‪Nutrition & Wellness 2 students @WCHS_WCC @WCC_FACS get to play in the flour to learn about the different textures in a variety of flours and to predict the effects the flour might have on different recipes. #WCCFollowYourPassion #wearethekey‬
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Flour 3
Flour 3
Flour 1
Kudos to 2 of Mr. Bupp’s JUNIORS, Marcus Quinn & Oscar Sanchez. They were hired at Capitol City Ford and are the 1st WBL students in Auto Tech for the 2019-20 SY! Thanks @CapCityFord for support of our awesome students. #FollowYourPassion #WeAretheKey.
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Marcus Quinn
Oscar Sanchez
There are many ways to learn and retain information. Today the Cosmetology I students created "skin sandwiches" as a Friday morning snack. The sandwiches consisted of 3 types of cereal, honey and tortillas. Great creative thinking! #WEaretheKEY #WCCFollowYourPassion #Cosmetology
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Cosmetology students learning about the layers of skin by building sandwiches.
#FlashbackFriday! Our Nanoline Automation team finished 2nd in the nation for their Arcade project. They were also honored for Excellence in Craftsmanship & Engineering! We are so proud of our students dedication, creativity & hard work! #WCCFollowyourpassion #Wearethekey #Arcade
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Nanoline Team holding their awards.
Thanks to @IvyTechCC for inviting our students to explore post secondary options in Engineering and Skilled Trades! #wearethekey #wccfollowyourpassion #Technology
almost 6 years ago, Engineering and Technology Education
ETE students explore Ivy Tech
ETE students explore Ivy Tech
ETE students explore Ivy Tech
Career Center staff had a wonderful time meeting with Superintendent Tim Hanson, Assistant Superintendent Pam Griffin, and other administrators during process checks. #wearethekey #WCCFollowYourPassion #CTEMonth #28daysofCTE
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Business Dept.
“Find YOUR way.” Mr. Hanson, #PLTW #WEaretheKEY #CTEMatters #WalkerCareerCenter
almost 6 years ago, Pam Griffin
Congrats to all 3 of our CTE Awards for Excellence winners! Outstanding Student - Samantha Elkins for Architecture! Outstanding Early Childhood Program with Mrs. Neyland! Outstanding Partnership with WCC and the Marriott East! #CTEMonth #WeAreTheKey #WCCFollowYourPassion
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Mrs. Neyland
Samantha Elkins
Marriott East
Celebrating #CTEMonth and the #IN-AFE at the state capital by having our CTE Culinary Arts students host lunch for IACTED Directors and Legislators! #WeAreTheKey #CTEMonth #WCCFollowYourPassion
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
WCC’s Culinary
Students from Precision Machining, Auto Service, Welding and Engineering explore careers and post secondary opportunities at Ivy Tech's Technology Day.
almost 6 years ago, Engineering and Technology Education
Career opportunities at Ivy Tech
Student learns about engineering opportunity
Ivy Tech student panel
A big thanks to @IKORCC for hosting Lunch & Learn at their amazing training center in Greenwood. Fabulous apprenticeship opportunities for students interested in carpentry. State of the art “earn while you learn” program and a debt free college degree! #WCCFollowYourPassion
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Open House
The Photography Club invites you to its annual Photography Exhibition March 2nd-April 27th at the Bona Thompson Memorial Center. Stop by and see the amazing student work. Opening Reception will be Saturday March 9, 2019 from 6-9 PM. #WeAreTheKey #CTEMonth #WCCFollowYourPassion
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Bona Thompson Photo Exhibition
Walker Career Center FACS department receives updated washer and dryers this week. #WEaretheKEY
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
dryer installation
new dryer
WCC @WCHS_WCC enjoyed the spotlight at this month's school board meeting. We are proud of the 23 quality programs we offer and the students who work so hard to benefit from them. Thank you to the students who produced our video promotion. #WEaretheKEY #wccfollowyourpassion
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
School spotlight 1
School spotlight 2
School spotlight 3
Walker Career Center will be hosting a FREE Women in Engineering and Technology camp over spring break! It is open to all Warren freshmen and sophomore girls and will run daily from 8:00am-2:00pm on March 18th-22nd. #wccfollowyourpassion #wearethekey
almost 6 years ago, Engineering and Technology Education
Women in working in the machine shop.
Walker Career Center students utilize community partners to create solutions for other programs inside of Walker. These students created a user friendly app to calculate cosmetology hours, reducing the amount of time teachers spend inputting data.
almost 6 years ago, Michael Espich
Programming Students (Garat Phelps, Christian Holtsclaw) Teacher (Josh Law)
Congrats to Samantha Elkins for her selection as @ACEMENTOR affiliate representative for CMIC scholarships. She will compete with representatives from affiliates across the country for 28 scholarships awarded in May. #WeAreTheKey #CTEMonth #WCCFollowYourPassion
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Congrats to our Nanoline Automation team! They finished 2nd in the nation today! Also won Excellence in Craftsmanship! Way to go. #WeAreTheKey #WCCFollowYourPassion
almost 6 years ago, Walker Career Center
Nanoline Awards