Dr. Steve Rogers has over 20 years in education as a teacher and administrator. He joined Walker Career Center in 2006 and became the director of the career center in 2016.
Director’s License, Indiana State University, 2016
Ph.D., Engineering and Technology Education, 2012, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
M.S.T., Secondary Teaching, 2003, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
B.S.B.A., Business Management, 2001, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
2022 - Appointed to Indiana's Governor's Workforce
2016 Elli Lilly Teacher Creativity Grant
2012 Indiana ACTE Award of Excellence for Project Lead The Way Engineering
2010 Indiana Association of Career and Technical Education Award of Merit
2009 Association of Career and Technical Education Region III Award of Merit
2009 Outstanding Instruction, Project Lead The Way
2008 Indianapolis Power and Light, Golden Apple Award
2006 Outstanding New Career and Technical Teacher, Indiana Association for Career and Technical Education
Welcome to Walker Career Center! The faculty and staff of the Walker Career Center are committed to providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in the global economy. At Walker Career Center, students have the opportunity to take courses in Business and Information Technology (.BIT), Engineering and Technology Education (ETE), Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS), Fine Arts, and specialized Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. These courses are hands on, rigorous, and relevant and will prepare you for life after high school graduation.
We pride ourselves on staying up to date with all the businesses and industries we represent so that our students complete our programs with skills that will lead to success. Most of our programs offer dual college credit at little or no cost to our students. This college credit gives our students a jump start to further their education and training.
It is now time to prepare for YOUR future. I look forward to helping,
Dr. Steve E. Rogers