DC Introduction to Engineering Design
Introduction to Engineering Design is a fundamental pre-engineering course where students become familiar with the engineering design process.
•Recommended Grade(s): 9, 10
•Required Prerequisites: none
•Recommended Prerequisites: none
•Credits: 2 semester course, 2 semesters required, 1 credit per semester, 2 credits maximum
•Counts as a directed elective or elective for all diplomas
•Dual Credit: Yes; Institution: Ivy Tech; Credits Offered: 6
DC Principles of Engineering
Principles of Engineering is a course that focuses on the process of applying engineering, technological, scientific and mathematical principles in the design, production, and operation of products, structures, and systems.
•Recommended Grade(s): 10, 11
•Required Prerequisites: Introduction to Engineering Design
•Recommended Prerequisites: none
•Credits: 2 semester course, 2 semesters required, 1 credit per semester, 2 credits maximum
•Counts as a directed elective or elective for all diplomas
•Dual Credit: Yes; Institution: Ivy Tech; Credits Offered: 3
DC Civil Engineering & Architecture
Civil Engineering and Architecture introduces students to the fundamental design and development aspects of civil engineering and architectural planning activities.
•Recommended Grade(s): 11, 12
•Required Prerequisites: Introduction to Engineering Design, Principle of Engineering
•Recommended Prerequisites: none
•Credits: 2 semester course, 2 semesters required, 1 credit per semester, 2 credits maximum
•Qualifies as a quantitative reasoning course
•Counts as a directed elective or elective for all diplomas
•Dual Credit: Yes; Institution: Ivy Tech; Credits Offered: 3
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Computer Integrated Manufacturing is a course that applies principles of rapid prototyping, robotics, and automation.
•Recommended Grade(s): 11, 12
•Required Prerequisites: Introduction to Engineering Design, Principle of Engineering
•Recommended Prerequisites: none
•Credits: 2 semester course, 2 semesters required, 1 credit per semester, 2 credits maximum
•Counts as a directed elective or elective for all diplomas
Engineering Design and Development
Engineering Design and Development is an engineering research course in which students work in teams to research, design, test, and construct a solution to an open-ended engineering problem. This class requires an instructor recommendation.
Recommended Grade(s): 12
Required Prerequisites: Introduction to Engineering Design, Principle of Engineering, and ONE of Digital Electronics, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, or Civil Engineering & Architecture
Recommended Prerequisites: none
•Credits: 2 semester course, 2 semesters required, 3 credits per semester, 6 credits maximum
•Counts as a directed elective or elective for all diplomas